Prohibited listings

Here is a partial list of item, service and content prohibited on Bargaincity:

  • Affiliate marketing; network, or multi-level marketing; pyramid schemes
  • Alcohol or tobacco; unpackaged or adulterated food or cosmetics
  • Ammunition, clips, cartridges, reloading materials, gunpowder, fireworks, explosives
  • Anyone’s personal, identifying, confidential or proprietary information
  • Any commercial ads
  • Any item/good, content that violates the law or legal rights of others
  • Counterfeit, replica, or pirated items; tickets or gift cards that restrict transfer
  • False, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent content; bait and switch; keyword spam
  • Food stamps, governmental assistance
  • ID cards, licenses, police insignia, government documents, birth certificates, etc
  • Lottery or raffle tickets, sweepstakes entries, slot machines, gambling items
  • Offensive, obscene, defamatory, rude, threatening, or malicious postings or email/message
  • Pet sales, live animal,animal parts, stud service
  • Postings or email offering, promoting, or linking to unsolicited products or services
  • Prescription drugs, medical devices; controlled substances and related items
  • Recalled items; hazardous materials; body parts/fluids; unsanitized bedding/clothing
  • Spam; miscategorized, overposted, cross-posted, or nonlocal content
  • Stolen property, property with serial number removed/altered, burglary tools, etc
  • Weapons; firearms/guns and components; BB/pellet, stun, and spear guns; etc